Do you have unpaid invoices and are in need of cash? Have you ever had of the debt-free, no-obligation option known as accounts receivable financing? Well, as the name may suggest, this is a new form of funding that gives you cash when you sell your unpaid invoices at a discount. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, if the current statistics are anything to go by, you have no reason to be stuck because of a lack of funds to run your business or do other major projects. This debt-free alternative has gained huge popularity today more than ever before because it is a less costly form of borrowing as compared to the use of online lenders and other cash advance companies. Click here for more information about ar financing.
When you factor in the length of type it takes for a bank to approve a loan, you will also discover accounts receivable financing is the best option as compared to traditional bank loans. How this works is very simple. You don’t have to wait for your clients to pay their invoices if you are in urgent need of ash. This is potential revenue that is stuck in your accounts receivable and which you can quickly turn into cash. For a small percentage, you will get up to 98% of the invoice amount, of course, when you partner with a reliable factoring company. What are the specific notable benefits of accounts receivable financing?
When you get the working capital that you desire, you get to cut on a long pay cycle of say 30, 60, or 90 days. Factoring can ensure you have ready cash in your hands in a matter of days. This means no more getting stuck on your business continuity as you wait for the payments from your customers to come through. The other notable benefit is guaranteed debt-free cash flow. It is essential to mention that factoring or accounts receivable financing is not a loan. This means by the end of the day; you will have a clean balance sheet because you are not taking any additional liabilities when you decide to take the factoring route. By the same token, factoring helps you improve your credit score because it means staying up to date with all your payables thanks to timely funding. Click here: for more information about accounts receivable funding.
That said, to enjoy these and many other benefits of AR financing, you need to find yourself a reliable and reputable factoring company. This can never be overemphasized enough, lest you find yourself in a financial quagmire. For more information, click here: